Hope you're doing great! This is SMY! 👋
In this article, we are going to learn about Implementing Authenticated Protected Role-based Routing using Next.js and HOC.
Part 2: https://smy.hashnode.dev/validate-user-path-access-on-edge-with-nextauth-nextjs-middleware
My Story and Explanation
Implementation of Role-based Routing using HOC
**Let's start **🚀
is one of the most used parts of Web Development today. Routing
allows us to effectively switch between different pages.
In my experience, routing through the React Router Dom
library in a React
application is way more powerful than in Next.js
since developers have the upper hand in implementing Routing
in their own, and custom way. Next.js
on one hand gives developers the feasibility of not having to configure routing is great for a simple application but becomes difficult once you have multiple roles and conditions.
I've found 3 ways of implementing Role-based protected Routing using Next.js, and the first one is using HOC.
Implementation of Routing using HOC:
Constant Roles
const Roles = {
customer: 'customer',
admin: 'admin'
export default Roles;
Created a constant Roles file to stay consistent
Constant RouteNames
export const RouteNames = {
login: '/auth/login',
signup: '/auth/signup',
dashboard: '/dashboard',
admin: '/admin',
export default RouteNames;
Created a constant RouteNames file to stay consistent
import Roles from '../utility/roles';
import { RouteNames } from './RouteNames';
const routeConfig: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: string } } = {
auth: {
default: RouteNames.login,
[RouteNames.signup]: RouteNames.signup,
[RouteNames.login]: RouteNames.login,
[Roles.customer]: {
default: RouteNames.dashboard,
[RouteNames.dashboard]: RouteNames.dashboard,
[Roles.admin]: {
default: RouteNames.admin,
[RouteNames.admin]: RouteNames.admin,
export default routeConfig;
Created a constant Route Configs which contains configuration as to which role has access to which page, and its default page.
withAuth HOC
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { getAuthState } from '../store/slices/authSlice';
import { useSelector } from '../store/store';
import routeConfig from './RouteConfig';
const withAuth =
(Component: React.FC) =>
(allowedRole: string) =>
(props: any) => {
// getting the auth state from redux store
const { isLoggedIn, role } = useSelector(getAuthState);
const router = useRouter();
// using a state to keep track if user is in correct state or path
const [isValidRoute, setIsValidRoute] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
// first condition is to check if logged in and if on wrong path
// then route to default route of the particular role user is of
if (
isLoggedIn &&
(!(role === allowedRole) ||
) {
// second condition is to check if not logged in and if on wrong path
// then route to default not authenticated path
else if (!isLoggedIn && !routeConfig.auth[router.pathname]) {
// if upper two conditions are not met then the route user is in correct and return the component
else setIsValidRoute(true);
}, []);
return isValidRoute ? <Component {...props} /> : null;
export default withAuth;
using withAuth HOC on pages
import React from 'react';
import { NextPage } from 'next';
import withAuth from '../../routes/withAuth';
import Roles from '../../utility/roles';
const Dashboard: NextPage = () => {
return <h1>Dashboard</h1>;
// See how we are passing the valid Role through the second currying
export default withAuth(Dashboard)(Roles.customer);
Wrapping Up:
That's the HOC way of implementing Authenticated Protected Role-based Routing using Next.js.
Stay tuned, where I will cover two more ways
using AuthGuard component at most Parent Level
using Next.js middleware
- https://smy.hashnode.dev/validate-user-path-access-on-edge-with-nextauth-nextjs-middleware
That's it, folks! hope it was a good read for you. Thank you! ✨
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